Featuring original characters not based on any existing models, the Suicide Girls comic books are adventures about a gang of beautiful, tattooed ladies pitted against the deranged leader of a techno-religious cult, with lots of butt-kicking and witty banter.
But they also “defie conventions, have an irreverent sense of humor, and take on the cultural idea of what ‘normal’ and ‘sexy’ really mean. Plus, explosions!” The top picture was used for one cover of the 2011 four-issue mini-series. Read a review of the Suicide Girls comic book here.
Cameron Stewart also painted the pin-ups of Rubix/Lee Suicide and Doneele – who do exist! In fact Rubix was in the previous Suicide Sunday but I haven’t featured Doneele before so let’s put that right now.
She’s a super cute redhead with facial piercings who appeared in a memorable and very literary shoot called Cottontail. The book is Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs: A Low Culture Manifesto – a best-selling collection of pop culture essays by Chuck Klosterman.